Generally speaking, at least 70% of students in secondary and tertiary institutions , are faced with the problem of FORGETTING. Students tend to forget what they've learnt. Although most people tend to remember what they see, when it comes to personal study session, students tend to easily forget what they read, for different reasons. Today, we are going to review this topic, with the aim of identifying our weaknesses and building on them. As you read on, take notes of important points pertaining to yourself, keeping an inquisitive learning mind.
Memorization involves a complex process of storing sourced information, and retrieving them at a particular period(s) of time. Generally it involves three stages:-
a) Encoding:- Encoding is the process of preparing data gathered from one's environment, into psychological formats that can be mentally presented. Simply put, it's the process of making what you have learnt, suitable for storage in your brain.
b) Storage:- This is the process of placing information in ones memory, so that it can be retrieved when necessary. Its kind of repeating what you've learnt till it sticks upstairs. There is SHORT-TERM memory and it's the first level of storage. Here, information is easily volatile, and It can easily be forgotten. By practicing MAINTENANCE REHEARSAL as you shall soon see, information is transferred to the LONG-TERM memory, where it is retained for a long period of time. A good example, is your very own name!
c) Retrieval:- This is the process of mentally locating and bringing back to consciousness, information that has been stored. Its kinda similar to you bringing out files from a cabinet. If stored information cannot be effectively recalled from ones memory, then it's practically useless. This is the stage most students struggle with, and the stage we are going to focus on.
Forgetfulness is a problem for both students and teachers alike. It's the inability to remember stored information. What are the causes of forgetfulness? They are many and varied, but they include the following:
a) DISUSE: It is logical, that a thought or idea or information that is used on a regular basis, is strongly implanted in a person's memory. Hence, information disuse, can cause it to fade away gradually.
b) DISTORTION: You probably experience this whenever you try to learn too many things at a time, or while trying to memorise materials that are not properly organised. The structure of information is a very crucial factor that affects it's storage. Distorted information can cause misperception of the message being passed across. This hampers retention and recall.
c) REPRESSION: Psychological Studies have shown that the human brain is configured to automatically forget unpleasant information. This ranges from extremely unpleasant events, to students thinking about how boring a lecture is.
d) INTERFERENCE: Its very common. Another word for this is DISTRACTION. It encompasses disruptions that occur during the process of storage, as a result of divided attention. A person's ability to recall effectively, is proportional to the amount of interference present.
Since individuals at various points in time forget a thing or two, it's very important for you as a student, to put in a lot of CONSCIOUS EFFORT in order to effectively tackle this major problem.
These simple practices are sure to improve ones retention and recall. They require constant practice, a positive mindset, and CONSCIOUS EFFORT. No matter your level of retention as a student, these simple methods, will improve it.
a) FLASHBULB METHOD: You probably remember which restaurant you went to on your first date. This is because people tend to remember vividly, what they learn under emotionally arousing situations. They are called FLASHBULB INCIDENTS. This means students can enhance their retentivity by using this method. What events happen in relation to what you are learning?
b) BREAKING-UP: This simply means 'reducing the chunks of information you are trying to swallow, into small bits you can eat at a time!' Break up what you are trying to learn. Take it one at a time. Pause to reflect on what you have learnt. Review it, while putting all the lil' pieces together.
c) PROPER-ORGANISATION: Information is not just piled up in memory. It is well organized and structure. It only makes sense, to help your brain by organising your notes. Not just notes, but anything being learnt. Organization is key! Make sure your materials are SEQUENTIAL.
d) PHYSICAL EXERCISE: This is the most emphasized yet underutilised memory improvement technique, among students in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Seriously! Physical exercise is not just good for your body alone, it also improves memory. It keeps you active!
e) MAINTENANCE REHEARSAL: If you are a medical student, you probably know what I'm talking about. The sheer volume of information they have to digest over any particular period of time is huge. Likewise, every discipline has its own volume of materials to be learnt. This is my number one method of memory improvement. Simply put, it is the process of MENTALLY REPEATING/REHEARSING OR VOCALISING INFORMATION TO BE LEARNT. DON'T CONFUSE THIS WITH 'CRAMMING'. Rather, maintenance rehearsal involves going back to what you've already learnt. Its called MAINTENANCE because it involves mentally recalling information, assessing it, and restoring it properly, on a regular basis. It keeps information permanently in the long term memory. It facilities remembrance because it's PRACTICAL. Information stored this way, can be recalled EVERY TIME it is needed.
In conclusion, you don't have to worry anymore! Retention can be easy! Work your way up! Its like body building. Constant exercise adds muscle mass. Exercise is practice. Therefore, CONSTANT PRACTICE ADDS BRAIN MASS. Effectively utilise these techniques to improve your academics.
References: Study Skills and Techniques.(2015) Prof. P. Oluremi Adesemowo; Dept Guidance and counselling, OOU (Memory improvement techniques )
Nice one...........this is just the beginning, more still to come